Oct 31, 2014


Taskworld - screenshot thumbnail Taskworld - screenshot thumbnail Taskworld - screenshot thumbnail Taskworld - screenshot thumbnail Taskworld - screenshot thumbnail
Taskworld is task and project management tool that allows managers to measure team performance. This collaboration software allows easy follow up on tasks and projects. Teams are able to assign individual tasks and so manage their workflows more efficiently. Unlike other project management tools in the market, Taskworld offers its users a workspace where they can add comments, upload documents, give and receive feedback, and evaluate performance measurements, all in a single point. This allows managers to create an environment of accountability and high transparency in their teams or organizations.

Main Features:

• Build your network
• Built-in workflow
• Greater team collaboration
• Task Rating
• Push notifications and keep track of tasks with an activity list
• Filter tasks by category
• Search for your tasks
• Add and edit tasks
• Keep track of your own performance with the Dashboard
• Attach files from Box, Dropbox, Google Drive and your own computer
• Set Repeat tasks to be done on a recurring basis
• Keep track of team performance with metrics

*Taskworld is currently available to users for Free. An Enterprise version will be available soon.

Veoci - The Virtual EOC

Veoci - The Virtual EOC - screenshot thumbnail Veoci - The Virtual EOC - screenshot thumbnail Veoci - The Virtual EOC - screenshot thumbnail Veoci - The Virtual EOC - screenshot thumbnail Veoci - The Virtual EOC - screenshot thumbnail Veoci - The Virtual EOC - screenshot thumbnail Veoci - The Virtual EOC - screenshot thumbnail
Veoci is a web-based software for managing communication and coordinating activities in crisis and emergency situations. Adopted by Universities, Enterprises, Municipalities, Utilities, and Airlines for standing up a quick response to address any situation from a Virtual Emergency Operations Center (EOC). For more information visit our website: http://www.veoci.com

- Create digitized plans that can initiate a structured response at the click of a button.
- Alert and notify people on multiple mediums - Phone, SMS, and Email.
- Request check-in for a status of resources available to respond.
- Centralize communications in a Virtual Emergency Operations Center.
- Get complete situational awareness with real time incident tracking and GIS mapping.

Free CRM Software

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Free CRM Software or Customer Relationship Software offers you an app with access to our FREE CRM Software for your business for 30 days and thereafter a very cheap CRM system. All kinds of businesses can benefit from this super cheap Contact Management Software deal. A completely FREE 30 day trial followed by probably the cheapest CRM you will ever come across. The Free CRM software offers a range of features and functions to help you manage your business:
human resources
client generation
fleet management
CRM Software offers a FREE 30 DAY TRIAL and then super cheap CRM access on a monthly basis.

Lookout Security & Antivirus

Lookout Security & Antivirus - screenshot thumbnail Lookout Security & Antivirus - screenshot thumbnail Lookout Security & Antivirus - screenshot thumbnail Lookout Security & Antivirus - screenshot thumbnail Lookout Security & Antivirus - screenshot thumbnail Lookout Security & Antivirus - screenshot thumbnail Lookout Security & Antivirus - screenshot thumbnail Lookout Security & Antivirus - screenshot thumbnail Lookout Security & Antivirus - screenshot thumbnail Lookout Security & Antivirus - screenshot thumbnail Lookout Security & Antivirus - screenshot thumbnail Lookout Security & Antivirus - screenshot thumbnail Lookout Security & Antivirus - screenshot thumbnail Lookout Security & Antivirus - screenshot thumbnail Lookout Security & Antivirus - screenshot thumbnail Lookout Security & Antivirus - screenshot thumbnail Lookout Security & Antivirus - screenshot thumbnail Lookout Security & Antivirus - screenshot thumbnail
Lookout Security & Antivirus offers top-notch protection against mobile threats, phone loss and theft.

With your registered email, you will be able to log into Lookout.com to locate your phone, view your backed up data and manage your devices, anytime, anywhere.

Any questions? Checkout our Q&A: https://faq.lookout.com or Simply ✉: support@lookout.com We want to make sure all Lookout users have the best mobile experience.

More than 50 million customers trust Lookout:
☆ “Best app EVER! Found my lost phone using Lookout!”
☆ “Best Anti Virus for Android phones!”
☆ “Security, back-up and locator all in one. Love it!”

And the press loves Lookout:
★ TechCrunch - “Top 10 Best Free Apps”
★ LAPTOP Magazine – “The Best Mobile Security Solution for Android Devices!”
★ PCWorld - “Lookout should be one of your first stops on the Android Market!”

Lookout Security & Antivirus is available in German, French, Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese (Traditional and Simplified), Korean, Russian and Polish.

Lookout Security & Antivirus FREE Features:

• App Scanning: Continuous, over-the-air protection from viruses, malware, adware and spyware

• Locate & Scream: Map the location of your device and make it sound an alarm - even when it is on silent!
• Signal Flare: Automatically save your phone's location when the battery is low

• Contact Backup: Save a copy of your Google contacts
• Download your contacts to your computer so you can transfer them to an existing phone or tablet.

Lookout Security & Antivirus Premium Features:

►Theft Alerts: Get an email with a photo and location when someone messes with your device. (Also known as a "Theftie")
►Safe Browsing: Block dangerous URLs
►Privacy Advisor: See what personal information can be accessed by your apps
►Lock & Wipe: Remotely lock your device, post a custom message and erase your data
►Other Premium features: photo & call history backup, Premium tech support

Lookout offers a two-week FREE trial - no credit card info required - of its Premium features. After your trial ends, you can continue to enjoy Lookout’s FREE features to keep your device safe and secure!


①. Lookout requests access to a number of Android permissions such as camera, location and hardware control in order to be able to wipe all of your personal and private information from your lost or stolen device. Read our our permissions here: https://www.lookout.com/permissions

②. Activating “Device Administrator” gives your phone an extra layer of protection, and you are unable to uninstall Lookout without unchecking “Device Admin” under Lookout “Settings”.

About Lookout Inc.

Lookout builds security technology that protects people, businesses, governments, and critical infrastructure from the growing threats in the post-PC era.

Visit our website https://www.lookout.com to learn more about us!

➠Learn about the latest security threats at https://blog.lookout.com
➠Learn about our permissions at https://www.lookout.com/permissions
➠Like us on Facebook at http://facebook.com/mylookout
➠Follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/lookout

CRM Software

CRM Software - screenshot thumbnail CRM Software - screenshot thumbnail
CRM Software offers you an app with access to cheap CRM for your business. All kinds of businesses can benefit from this super cheap CRM deal. A completely FREE 30 day trial followed by probably the cheapest CRM you will ever come across. The CRM software offers a range of features and functions to help you manage your business:

human resources
client generation
fleet management

CRM Software offers a FREE 30 DAY TRIAL and then super cheap CRM access on a monthly basis.


WebHR - screenshot thumbnail WebHR - screenshot thumbnail WebHR - screenshot thumbnail WebHR - screenshot thumbnail WebHR - screenshot thumbnail WebHR - screenshot thumbnail
WeHR - Web Human Resource is a Cloud based HR System. WebHR Android is a supporting app for WebHR.

WebHR is an indispensable tool for HR; it is reliable yet affordable application not just for an HR Manager, but for each employee in the organization. WebHR will become an essential tool of Human Resource in the organization and it aims at creating true paperless work environment. WebHR will not only save money to the organizations, but will also boost productivity, save space and make inter and intra-office communications fast, reliable and more efficient.

"WebHR assists in managing the organizations' most important asset - its Human Resource"

WebHR is currently used in over 160 countries world wide by thousands of organizations to manage their HR.

WebHR converts human resources information into a digital format, allowing that information to be added to the knowledge management systems of the organization. The result of this is that HR data can be turned into useful information that can cater the needs of any other department within the organization. In analyzing organization wide resource usage this data can prove valuable. Data related to the time usage of the workforce can enhance the decision making abilities of management, allowing the HR department to form an integral aspect of strategy formation for the organization as a whole.


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Aplicația se adresează utilizatorilor platformei Human Resources Planning - soluție integrată de management al resurselor umane - și vine în întampinarea nevoii de mobilitate a acestora. Aplicatia va este oferita de Romanian Software o companie specializata in servicii de calcul salarial si administrare de personal. Pentru mai multe detalii, vizitati www.hrp.ro

Aplicația transpune principalele funcționalități ale componentei de management al timpului pe iPhone, simplifică fluxul concediilor și oferă accesul rapid și facil la evidența acestora, elimină omisiunile în procesul de aprobare a concediilor, aducând tot procesul la îndemana salariaților care dispun de smartphone-uri și managerilor care se deplasează frecvent, pentru care accesul la o bază de date pentru lansarea și aprobarea unei cereri de concediu ar fi incomod și consumator de timp.

Aplicația întâmpină utilizatorul cu un tablou de bord, care în funcție de rolul acestuia în companie poate avea o secțiune sau două. Utilizatorii care nu au persoane în subordine pot vedea situația proprie a concediilor de odihnă și a altor tipuri de concedii – lansate în curs de aprobare, aprobate, rămase de efectuat. Utilizatorii cu drept de manager vor vedea evidența proprie dar și pe cea a salariaților din subordine, putând oricând analiza câte zile de concediu au fost efectuate, perioadele în care s-a beneficiat de acestea, câte zile mai ramân de efectuat, câte zile se vor reporta.
În plus, direct de pe iPhone, prin aplicație, se pot lansa și aproba sau refuza cererile de concediu de odihnă, fără plată, evenimente deosebite sau cereri de învoire, se pot notifica concedii medicale. Cererilor de concediu se pot atașa poze ale documentelor necesare: certificate de concediu medical, de deces, căsătorie. Dacă aplicația este integrată cu sistemul de pontare online, informația este transmisă pe serverul de date și poate fi accesată de pe computer sau telefonul mobil în timp real și simultan de către toți utilizatorii care au acces la acea informație.
Notificările primite pe iPhone prin aplicația my.hrp.ro și accesul la baza de date prin telefonul mobil fac această sarcină a managerilor mult mai ușoară, în plus eficientizează și activitatea celor din departamentele de resurse umane, care au datele privind timpul liber înregistrate în sistem în timp util pentru calculul salarial. Toate acțiunile inițiate în sistem, pe mobil sau în sistemul online de pontare sunt notificate automat pe email și prin aplicația my.hrp.ro. Astfel, persoana care are autoritatea să aprobe sau să refuze cererea de concediu va ști imediat când o solicitare i s-a adresat și invers, inițiatorul cererii de concediu va afla răspunsul – aprobarea sau refuzarea cererii sale prin notificare pe email si prin aplicația mobilă.

Software Engineering

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Software Engineering Book

Lecture 1 THE PRODUCT 1
Software Characteristics
Software Components
Software Applications
Software A Crisis on the Horizon
Software myths
Lecture 2 PROCESS 13
Software Engineering – A Layered Technology
Process, Methods, and Tools
A Generic view of Software Engineering
The Software Process
Software process models
Linear Sequential Models
The Incremental model
The formal methods Model
The management Spectrum
The Problem
Problem decomposition
The process
Process Decomposition
The Project
Observations on Estimating
Project Planning Objectives
Software Scope
Obtaining Information Necessary for Scope
A scoping Example
Human Resources
Reusable Software Resources
Environmental Resources
Centre for Information Technology and Engineering, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
Decomposition Techniques
Problem Based Estimations
An example of LOC Based Estimation
Reactive Vs. Proactive Risk Strategies
Software Risks
Risk Identification
Risk projection
Risk Mitigation, Monitoring and Management
Safety Risk and Hazards
Comments on “Lateness”
Basic Principles
The Relationship Between People and Effort
An Empirical Relationship
Effort Distribution
Defining a Task Set for the Software Project
Degree of Rigor
Defining Adaption Criteria
Computing a Task Set Selector Value
Interpreting the TSS value and Selecting the Task Set
Selecting Software Engineering Tasks
Refinement of major Tasks
Defining a Tasks Network
Timeline Charts
Tracking the Schedule
The Project Plan
Quality concept
The Quality Movement
Software Quality Assurance
Software Reviews
Formal Techniques Reviews
Formal Approaches to SQA
Centre for Information Technology and Engineering, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
Statistical Quality Assurance
Software Reliability
The SQA Plan
The ISO 9000 Quality Standards
Software Configuration management
The SCM process
Identification of Objects in the Software Configuration
Version Control
Change Control
Configuration Audit
Status Reporting
SCM Standards
The System Engineering Hierarchy
System Modeling
Information Engineering : An Overview
Product Engineering : An overview
Information Engineering
Information Strategy Planning
Enterprise modeling
‘Business Level Data Modeling
Business Area Analysis
Information flow modeling
Product Engineering
Modeling The System Architecture
System modeling and Simulation
System Specification
Lecture 15 ANALYSIS MODELING – I 175
The Elements of the Analysis model
Data Modeling
Data Objects, Attributes and Relationships
Cardinality and modality
Entity Relationship Diagrams
Function modeling and information flow
Centre for Information Technology and Engineering, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
Data Flow Diagrams
Extensions for Real Time Systems
Ward and Mellor Extension
Hately and Pirbhai Extension
Behavioral Modeling
The mechanic of Structured Analysis
Creating an Entity Relationship Diagram
Creating a Data flow model
Creating a Control flow Model
The Control Specification
The Process Specification
Data Dictionary
An Overview of other Classical Analysis methods
Data Structured System Development
Jackson System Development


IT Project Management

IT Project Management - screenshot thumbnail IT Project Management - screenshot thumbnail IT Project Management - screenshot thumbnail
IT Project Management Book


The IT Project Management Practices Guide (Guide) contains a repeatable, institution-wide approach for the management of application development and/or software procurement and deployment projects. These project management (PM) practices are transferable to other types of projects (beyond IT) that would benefit from project management. The following sections of the Guide represent the ordered steps for each project, to ensure that proper activities and management are utilized:
Step 1. Application of Project Management – distinguishes what types of work should and should not be categorized as projects and includes the general flow of projects from idea into deployment. This step also defines and outlines project management process groups;
Step 2. Project Classification – assigns a classification level to a project based on a combination of complexity and risk; this step also defines projects that require an additional level of management, as defined by State of Texas guidelines;
Step 3. PM Required Processes – details processes required to be completed for each level of project, as classified in Step 2; and
Step 4. Document Management – outlines document management requirements for documents created as part of PM Required Processes
Appendix A provides detailed document templates, based on the State of Texas DIR general templates. Note that DIR announced that templates will change in the fall 2008. At that time, the templates in Appendix A will be updated accordingly. Appendix B offers project management guidelines for portfolio management and Appendix C lists the references used in the development of this Guide.
Step 1. Application of Project Management
Types of Work
The Guide should be used for the management of Information Technology projects. Initiatives categorized as ‘tasks’ or ‘operational’ are not required to follow the project management methodologies outlined within the Guide. Upcoming/potential work should be analyzed to determine which category is applicable:
• Task
• Small piece of work
• Independent of a project
• Lasting not longer than a few person-hours
• Involving only a few people
• Meant to accomplish a simple and straightforward goal
• May be a component of operational work
• May require change management processes
IT Project Management Practices Guide Page 2 of 83 ASU, HSC, TTU, TTUS
• Rated as such Project Complexity and Risk Assessment model (Step 2)
• Operational
• Ongoing work to sustain or provide a service
• Change management processes applicable for non project-related changes
• Project
• Temporary endeavor (defined beginning and end)
• Which uses progressive elaboration
• To create products, services, or results
• Texas Project Delivery Framework Project
• Identified in a state agency’s biennial operating plan whose development costs exceed $1 million and either takes longer than one year to reach operation status; involves more than one agency of the State; or substantially alters work methods of state agency personnel or the delivery of services to clients; or
• So designated by the legislature in the General Appropriations Act.
• Such projects are also considered major information resources projects,