Oct 7, 2014

Sitrad Mobile

Sitrad Mobile - screenshot thumbnail Sitrad Mobile - screenshot thumbnail Sitrad Mobile - screenshot thumbnail Sitrad Mobile - screenshot thumbnail Sitrad Mobile - screenshot thumbnail Sitrad Mobile - screenshot thumbnail Sitrad Mobile - screenshot thumbnail
Management in the palm of your hand

Sitrad Mobile is the version (module) for cellular phones, smartphones and tablets of the remote management software from Full Gauge Controls instruments, the Sitrad. By installing this application, you can administer facilities from a distance, intervening and modifying controller variables or functions in industrial, commercial and residential systems, for example, cold rooms and air conditioned . That means greater facility, greater practicality and even more stillness.

About Sitrad:
Sitrad is Full Gauge Controls’ software for remote management of refrigeration and air conditioning. Versatile, it provides both local and remote access to installations from the most diverse segments, from supermarket chains, meat-packing plants and restaurants, to hotels, hospitals, laboratories and homes, among others.
It continuously evaluates, configures and stores temperature, humidity, time, pressure and voltage data, allowing a modification of instrument operating parameters with complete safety and accuracy, from anywhere in the world, via the internet, through a computer or mobile phone.

Sitrad has a Computer Program Register Certificate, issued by the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI - Brazil). The document is valid for 50 years, on the five continents.

The first version of Sitrad was launched in 1997 and, since then, the company has striven to keep it constantly abreast with the latest developments. Always focused on adapting to market needs and constantly surpassing client expectations, the company has been innovating through the use of new resources and new possibilities. In this manner, Sitrad has become a tradition and tool essential to the perfect performance of installations and business.

Apply Sitrad® so that your client can enjoy complete installation control and:
- Manage an unlimited number of control points from anywhere in the world in a simplified manner, such as cold supply, air conditioning, lighting and door alarm systems;
- Continuously evaluate, configure and store temperature, humidity, time, pressure and voltage data, allowing remote adjustments of instrument parameters with complete precision, via the internet, computer, tablet or cellular phone (Sitrad Mobile);
- Obtain graphs and reports from stored data;
- Send warning messages in the event of variables not being in accord with established standards;
- Sitrad has been provided for free by Full Gauge Controls to its clients since it was launched, in 1997.

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