Nov 19, 2014

Shri Kedar Rescue App Demo

Shri Kedar Rescue App Demo - screenshot thumbnail Shri Kedar Rescue App Demo - screenshot thumbnail
This app is for the benefit of travelers and pilgrims to Kedarnath.

It provides a medium for Administration to identify location of strained tourists in case of a natural calamity.

It also provides an option to users (tourists) to send emergency messages asking for help and food to the respective authorities on a single button press.

Developed by Caldera Solutions Pvt. Ltd., an emerging GIS & IT Consultancy in India, this idea was seeded by Mr. Vinay Bharti, Chief Agriculture Officer (C.A.O) under the guidance of Mr. Raghav Langer, I.A.S (District Magistrate) Rudraprayag. A special team was made to incorporate all the technological advancements, headed by Mr. Vinay Bharti, Chief Agriculture Officer (C.A.O), Rudraprayag, with a vision to subside the consequences of natural disasters like the one in Kedarnath in 2013.

Shri Kedar Rescue Demo App is an android emergency application, which can send an emergency message to the nearest Disaster Management & Rescue Officials in an emergency situation or natural calamity faced by any individual in general. With your current location in hand, disaster management & rescue officials would be intimated for help in an instant. Correct Location, Information & Communication, with and from the app is dependent upon the basic hardware/software requirements like – Active Data Plan, SMS Plan etc.

Features in Shri Kedar Rescue Demo App

1. Emergency Response System
Help will now be just a message away with this app in your mobile phones. User will be able to send an emergency message which will automatically send your help message & location to the rescue officials

2. Food Emergency System
Users will be able to send an emergency message indicating the need of food along with their present location

3. Current Location
User can view their current location in a single click & with that all the routes & points of interest nearby on the map.

4. User Tracking for Rescue Operations
Users can be tracked with this app, in case of a natural calamity or any other mishap without any prior needed information.

Features in the Upcoming Upgraded Version of Shri Kedar Rescue App

1. Rescue Path Plot
Whenever the user sends an emergency message, a rescue path will be plotted/ highlighted on the Map of the User, which will help the user to find his way out of the Location he/she is stuck at.

2. Highlighted Routes
Users will be able to view the main routes to and from Kedarnath, Rudraprayag in a highlighted manner.
3. Emergency Response System
Help will now be just a message away with this app in your mobile phones. User will be able to send an emergency message which will automatically send your help message & location to the rescue officials

4. Food Emergency System
Users will be able to send an emergency message indicating the need of food along with their present location

5. Current Location
User can view their current location in a single click & with that all the routes nearby on the maps

6. User Tracking for Rescue Operations
Users can be tracked with this app, in case of a natural calamity or any other mishap without any prior needed information.

7. Messages from the Officials
Users will also receive messages like “Help is on the way” once they indicate the emergency using the emergency response button

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