Sep 29, 2016

‘John Wick Chronicles’ Hits Steam VR In 2017, Try It First At NY Comic Con

Starbreeze and Lionsgate are showcasing a teaser of the upcoming first person VR action game, John Wick Chronicles, at the New York Comic Con in early October. Convention attendees will be among the first people to get a taste of what it’s like to be John Wick.

Nearly a year ago, we had the chance to try out the John Wick VR Experience. Starbreeze based the game on Lionsgate’s 2014 action film, John Wick, which stars Keanu Reeves. The early demo was an interactive experience, but it lacked any gunplay and didn't feel like a "game." It appears the developers have spent time refining the game and turned it into a proper first person shooter. Starbreeze said that players would find themselves in the Continental Hotel, a prominent setting from the film, with the task of “assassinating seemingly unbeatable targets.” This is the kind of mission that “only John Wick himself could handle.”

John Wick Chronicles is still under development, but Lionsgate and Starbreeze are ready to show a taste of what’s to come. The two companies plan to let attendees of the New York Comic Con a playable demo version of John Wick Chronicles, called John Wick Chronicles: An Eye For An Eye. Starbreeze said the demo is a seven-minute taste of the first mission of the game. We’re unsure if the Eye For An Eye demo will ever be available for the general public to try, or if it is a Comic Con exclusive demonstration.  

In addition to the New York Comic Con demo, Starbreeze will launch a “bite-sized version” of the full John Wick Chronicles game for the StarVR HMD at the upcoming IMAX VR Center, which is set to open in Los Angeles before the end of the year. Starbreeze said it calls the Imax version of the game John Wick Chronicles: Arcade Edition.

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